Julia Berestovaya

Freelance psychologist from Ukraine, Kharkiv

Works: Online, Offline
Speaks: English Advanced (C1)
Speaks: Русский Native
16$ / 60 min
Finding yourself Psychotherapist Проблемы со сном Неуверенность в себе Трудности в отношениях Гештальт-терапія Прокрастинация и выгорание Панические атаки Стресс и депрессивные состояния Тревога и страхи Психосоматика и здоровье Отношения в семье Чувство одиночества Непонятные эмоции Нежелательная агрессия Карьера и планы на жизнь Навязчивые мысли Проблемы в общении



My name is Julia. I'm a psychologist.

I help people to cope with some difficulties in their lives and to learn how to do it without anybody's help - independently.

I have a Master's Degree in Psychology. I have a certificate in Art Therapy. 

I have finished 3 stages in Emotions and Images Therapy. 

I am studying on the 2nd stage in Gestalt Therapy. My specialisation is Working with Co-dependency.

I'm doing 2 more special courses: how to work with groups and how to work with feelings.

I regularly visit intervision groups, supervision groups and my private psychologist.

My consultation fee is $17 for 60-80 minutes. 

I will be glad to meet you online!

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